(Baalbeck/Damascus 1962)
Booklet Summary:
According to legend the "Sheikh of Sheikhs" was returning home late one night, when he encountered the Enchanted Maid near the Bridge of the Moon. She was deeply perturbed and implored him to save her. "But save you from what my fair maiden?", the Sheikh asked. She did not answer. "I want to help you my fair maiden, if only you would tell me more." "Thank you my Sheikh but love alone is my salvation". and the maiden disappeared.
On reaching his house, the Sheikh assembled the villagers and told them his strange tale. They were all perplexed and decided to call the crystal gazer to discover the secret of the Enchanted Maiden.Meanwhile Saleh, a young man from the neighboring hostile village, confined the Haifa that an attack was being prepared against her village. The crystal gazer succeeded in bringing the Enchanted Maid before the villagers. But they were even more perplexed when they saw her. She sang to them about love and how it is destroyed by hate. Before she disappeared, she told them of a treasure hidden under the Bridge of the Moon which on a moonlight night will reveal itself to all (and when it does she herself will be free).
They decided to guard the Bridge every night in order to prevent the neighboring hostile villagers from getting the treasure. One night when the Sheikh was guarding the bridge, he fell asleep. In his dream he met the King of the Jinn and invited him to attend the village poetry festival. Hatred between the villages mounted. On the night when the Sheikh’s son was guarding the Bridge, neighboring villagers suddenly attacked. Altered by the commotion, the Sheikh's villagers come to the rescue. Hatred between the two villages reached its climax. When suddenly the treasure appeared. What was the treasure?
According to legend the "Sheikh of Sheikhs" was returning home late one night, when he encountered the Enchanted Maid near the Bridge of the Moon. She was deeply perturbed and implored him to save her. "But save you from what my fair maiden?", the Sheikh asked. She did not answer. "I want to help you my fair maiden, if only you would tell me more." "Thank you my Sheikh but love alone is my salvation". and the maiden disappeared.
On reaching his house, the Sheikh assembled the villagers and told them his strange tale. They were all perplexed and decided to call the crystal gazer to discover the secret of the Enchanted Maiden.Meanwhile Saleh, a young man from the neighboring hostile village, confined the Haifa that an attack was being prepared against her village. The crystal gazer succeeded in bringing the Enchanted Maid before the villagers. But they were even more perplexed when they saw her. She sang to them about love and how it is destroyed by hate. Before she disappeared, she told them of a treasure hidden under the Bridge of the Moon which on a moonlight night will reveal itself to all (and when it does she herself will be free).
They decided to guard the Bridge every night in order to prevent the neighboring hostile villagers from getting the treasure. One night when the Sheikh was guarding the bridge, he fell asleep. In his dream he met the King of the Jinn and invited him to attend the village poetry festival. Hatred between the villages mounted. On the night when the Sheikh’s son was guarding the Bridge, neighboring villagers suddenly attacked. Altered by the commotion, the Sheikh's villagers come to the rescue. Hatred between the two villages reached its climax. When suddenly the treasure appeared. What was the treasure?
Quick Notes:
Okay those who don't understand Arabic, probably are dying to know what the treasure is. Well, unless you've guessed, it's peace, love, reconciliation and that bridge which if remains will keep people close and related. This is one of the early Baalbeck appearances and the first longest play the Rahbani Brothers wrote. A very enchanting play with a fairy story plot, music and excellent early performances.
Fairuz ... The Enchanted Maid/Girl
Nasri Shameseddine ... Shiekh of Shiekhs
Philemon Wehbe ... Sabe'h
William Haswani ... Abdou
Elie Choueiri ... Shebli
Siham Shammas ... Warde
Mansour Rahbani ... Mkhoul
Written by the Rahbani Brothers except for:
the music of Haddouni Haddouni, Nali Na'li and Jayebli Salam by Philemon Wehbe
Album Tracks:
CD1 (48'48")
Listen : Sini Aan Sini
1. First Introduction 3'24"
2. Te'aou Te'aou 3'11"
3. Haddouni Haddouni 3'21"
4. Sabe'h & Sabiye 31"
5. El Qamar Bidawi Alnass 3'21"
6. Nehna Men Ahl El Qateh 1'29"
7. Rakset El Jrar 1'46"
8. Dailogue Sabe'h & Makhoul 5'11"
9. Badna Na'ref 7'
10. Mashad El Kenz 2'22"
11. Bi Ismak Shayhk El Mshayekh 1'09"
12. Na'li Na'li 1'59"
13. Sini Aan Sini 3'07"
14. Habibi Qal Entourini 2'53"
15. Rakset El Qabadayat 2'12"
16. Dabket El Khiyam 2'22"
17. Men El Qateh Jina 3'27"
CD2 (56')
Listen : Jaybeli Salam
1. Second Introduction 1'30"
2. Ya Sheikh El Layli 47"
3. Ya Helwet Al Jisr 2'41"
4. Ya Sheikh El Mshayekh 5'54"
5. Sabe'h & Makhoul & Warde 3'37"
6. Warde Ya Warde 1'49"
7. Dialogue Abdo & Warde 4'25"
8. Rakset Al Eid 1'32"
9. Gharreb Ya Hawa 4'11"
10. Poems, Sayf & Ters 1'03"
11. Jaybeli Salam 6'30"
12. Aghani Sha'abiya 3'01"
13. Dialogue Ahl El Qateh 3'34"
14. Dialogue Hayfa 2'15"
15. Mousika Al Ma'araka 5'14"
16. Ya Ahali Day'etna 3'34"
17. Dirou ElMayi 4'21"
Total time 104'48"- VDLCD 645/646

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