صوتك يجعلني أرفض أشياء كثيرة
أقبل أشياء أكثر
صوتك يا سيدتي الأميرة
في ليلنا قنديل
يجعل قلب العالم يسطع في الظهيرة
يشد إزر عابر السبيل
في الليلة المطيرة
صوتك كالمائدة المستديرة
يضم زرّاعي الحقول والجنود
وصائدي القوارب الصغيرة
صوتك يا سيدتي الأميرة
يبعث في جوانحي أمنية أسيرة
أن أبصر الوجود أبيضاً
معطر السريرة
بولس سلامه
فيروز يا أسطورة الواقع
وآية الروعة في الرائع
يا غبطة الأرواح في سجعة
تنزّلت من عالم شاسع
مجهولة الإيحاء مجهولة الأصداء
لم تُنسَب إلى واقع
جورج إبراهيم الخوري
ما أشهى الحديث عن فيروز... إن اللسان البشري, حتى الصديء منه, يمسي فيروزيّ اللون إذا ما نطق باسم هذه هذه المنشدة المسحورة التي هي أكثر كثيراً من مطربة, وأقل قليلاً من أسطورة... أجل, هي مسحورة... ترينها اليوم, يا زينة, فإذا هي وجه غريب الجمال, تبرز منه عينان سوداوان كبيرتان, عميقتا الغور, حادتا النظر, شديدتا التأثير, على شَعر خرنوبي مسدول, يخفي جزءاً من بشرتها ويظهر جزءاً آخر, وكأن وجه كوكب دريّ يسبح في الفضاء, تدهمه غيمة داكنة في ليلة خريفيّة... هي طيف أكثر مما هي جسد... هي نفسها لم تعد تعرف من هي... ولكننا كلنا نعرف أنها نهاد حداد
I regret every time I thought your music was only for our old folks…
I regret every time I liked a song of yours and kept that to myself…
I regret having a past you were not a part of…
I thank you for a future I’ll spend with you…
Fairouz, you make me feel lame I ever thanked anyone for anything before.
Jabra I. Jabra
"To the Arab world Fairouz came suddenly, as a miracle. At a time when Arabic singing was weighted down with convention and predictability, and spirits were nationally at their lowest, her voice rang, as though from beyond the notes of salvation and joy. Arabic music has never been the same since. Nostalgic but vibrant, sad but defiant, folkloric and yet so new, hers has been for nearly 30 years perhaps the only voice that seems so capable of jubilation in an almost cosmic sense. By turns mystic and amorous, elegiac and fiery, her singing has expressed the whole emotional scale of Arab life with haunting intensity. Often singers give listeners pleasure, as they expect. She often gives them, beyond their expectations, ecstasy."
Ounsi El Hage
"The voice of Fairouz embodies love, I include in the word "love": nostalgia, sublimation, remorse, pardon, seduction, innocence, repression, goodness, prayer and desire.
Others sang of love more than Fairouz did, but each of her songs intrinsically celebrates love. Her voice inspires internal communication of which no tiny particle is squandered on superficiality.
Every time a person falls in love he thinks he is the first to know love. Every time you listen to Fairouz you feel that her voice was just born for you. In my estranged country her voice was my only friend.
A lot was said to explain my love for the voice of Fairouz except the truth; the truth is that I sense in it more than a mere magical dimension: sometimes I sense a frightened child in need of help, some other times I see the most beautiful woman: the imaginary woman.
That child is our childhood, that woman is our dream.
What I failed to find in mankind I found in a voice. The voice of Fairouz is the revenge I take for that big lie we call life."
Nizar Kabbani
"After years of thirst, a voice like fresh water has arrived. A cloud, a love-letter from another planet: Fairouz has overwhelmed us with ecstasy. Names and figures of speech remain too small to define her. She alone is our agency of goodwill, to which those of us looking for love and poetry belong. When Fairouz sings, mountains and rivers follow her voice, the mosque and the church, the oil-jars and loaves of bread; through her, every one of us is made to blossom, and once we were no more than sand; men drop their weapons and apologize. Upon hearing her voice, it is our childhood which is being molded anew."